
History of ROADEX Network

Reliable roads are vital to the rural areas of Northern Europe. They give access to housing, employment, hospitals, schools and other community facilities, and provide vital transport links for the local heavy industries of fishing, farming, forestry and mining. Most of these roads are low volume roads with traffic flows of less than 500 vehicles per day.

The ROADEX network was created with part-funding by the EU Northern Periphery Programme to share experiences of managing low volume rural roads in harsh climates. Its history can be summarised in four elements:

The ROADEX Pilot Project  (1998-2001)

ROADEX began in 1998 as a Pilot project whose aim was ”Creating an effective technical exchange & co-operation across the road districts of the European Northern Periphery”

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ROADEX II  (2002-2005)

The 3 year ROADEX II – “The research project” expanded on the ROADEX pilot project and brought in new Partners from local industries who relied on heavy road haulage to take their products to market.

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ROADEX III (2006-2007)

ROADEX III – “The Dissemination Project” commenced in January 2006 along with new Partners from Greenland and Iceland.

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ROADEX IV (2008-2012)

ROADEX IV – “Implementing Accessibility” was the fourth, and final, ROADEX project part-funded by the EU Northern Periphery Programme. It aimed to implement the road technologies developed by ROADEX on to the Partner road networks to improve operational efficiency and save money. The Lead Partner for the project was the Northern Region of The Swedish Road Administration and the main project consultant is Roadscanners Oy.

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The Northern Periphery Programme

ROADEX is part funded by the European Union “Northern Periphery Programme 2007 – 2013”.

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