This eLearning lesson on “Roads on Peat” was produced for the ROADEX IV project. The ROADEX IV project, “ROADEX Implementing Accessibility”, is a technical trans-national cooperation project between The Highland Council, Forestry Commission Scotland and the Western Isles Council from Scotland, The Northern Region of The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, The Northern Region of The Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Forest Agency, The Centre of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Finland, The Government of Greenland, The Icelandic Road Administration, and The National Roads Authority and The Department of Transport of Ireland. The lead partner in the project is The Northern Region of The Swedish Transport Administration and the main project consultant is Roadscanners Oy from Finland.
The goal for the lesson was to gather together the Partner experiences on the construction and maintenance on roads over peat, and deliver it in such a fashion that it could be quickly used by road engineers in their day-to-day work. The lesson draws heavily on experiences gained over the course of the ROADEX projects and is supplemented by information gathered by the authors in discussions with roads administrations and experts across the Northern Periphery area.
The main production team for the lesson was Ron Munro of Munroconsult Ltd, Haraldur Sigursteinsson of the Icelandic Road Administration, Peter Carlsten and Gunnar Zweifel of the Swedish Transport Administration. Mika Pyhähuhta of Laboratorio Uleaborg was responsible for the artistic design and production. Apologies are given to any persons we have failed to acknowledge in the list.
The production team would like to give warm thanks to all the people that have been involved with the eLearning production. They would like to also thank the ROADEX Steering committee, chaired by Mr. Per-Mats Öhberg, for all the support we have been given for the design and production of this eLearning package. Their encouragement and enthusiasm has been a constant driving force.
Finally a special thanks to all of the personnel in the EU Northern Periphery Programme Secretariat and Regional Advisory Groups for the help and support that they have given to the four ROADEX projects over the last 12 years.
Ron Munro
Harldur Sigursteinsson
Peter Carlsten
Gunnar Zweifel
Mika Pyhähuhta